Sent on July 15, 2015
As you know I have been encouraging everyone to read the Gospel of John and reflect on what things you have been able to gleam from your reading.
In my reading of John Chapter 4 we read about the Samaritan women meeting up with Jesus at Jacob’s well. Jesus told her He could meet her needs and she responded in verse 15 saying, “Sir, give me this water so I won’t ever get thirsty, won’t ever have to come back to this well again!”
When I read this scripture I saw something I never noticed before. How often we come to Jesus in order to get our needs met only to find it too inconvenient to spend time with Jesus after our needs are met. One of the most crucial things to do in discerning our purpose in life is spending time with our Creator In order to know His heart.
I am convinced one reason why God doesn’t lavish us with things that will satisfy every desire is because He knows that, for the most part, if we have no need to come to Him, we won’t. His greatest concern is not that He will miss out on our fellowship but we will miss out on what we have been created for.
May your week be filled with His Presence while you find all your needs met while you are hanging out with Him.