Sent on January 4, 2017

2017 is breaking forth.

Yes, we are already in it, but the things that are about to happen will set the stage for the rest of the year.

Maybe you are looking to 2017 to shift you into a new job or into a new location.  While there may be new areas of interest you want to explore, God has the greatest adventure you could possibly experience waiting for you. When you put God’s agenda first you will find yourself to be a winner.  

Many years ago my wife and I had a conviction that we were to put our children into a Christian school.  This meant we would have to move locations. 

We did not have any resources for such a move but we began the process of looking for a home near a Christian school.   I also did not have a job at the time nor was there any prospects for one in the area we were to move too.  But we had this conviction that God would see us through somehow. 

Although the whole story is too long to tell in this short email, because we moved on our conviction to have our children in a Christian school we ended up living in a home for fifteen years for the sum total of $1 per year. 

A job became available less than five minutes from the home we ended up in and our children had the advantage of a Christian education. 

This happened because we stepped out on our convictions. 

What about you?  Do you have some deep inner conviction that you haven’t yet moved on?  Is there something that you have an inner knowing that God is calling you to but because of your circumstances you think it is impossible?  

Small steps you take to make it happen can be a door-opener for God to do the impossible.   You were made for greatness, greatness is waiting for you.

God’s dream is waiting to explode in you.  His anointing on your life can make the impossible possible.

I pray 2017 will be a year of adventure for you that will reap lasting victories….

Love to all…


P.S. Read about these three examples of new beginnings in the Bible to learn how to make a new beginning that counts in 2017: Three New Beginnings in the Bible

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