The church must take its responsibility in the market place. The church must be the voice of one calling in the wilderness “make straight the way of the Lord”
Laying on of hands is a foundational principle for the building up of the body of Christ. It’s time to explore its use in the Church.
Foundations of the Church are only good to us if we know what they are, lets learn about them and be secure in the family of God.
Have you ever given attention to the angels God sends your way? Learn about their activity in your life.
To be an admirers doesn’t demand change, however if we claim to be followers of Jesus it demands a personal change that we might become like Him.
God told Joshua to have good courage, be courageous. It’s time to be courageous about being transformed into the image of the One who came to show us how to live.
There are doors of death and there are doors of life. It’s time to keep the doors life wide open that the King of Glory may come in.
The devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Learn how to let him roar, while you live a faith filled life rejoicing with Jesus.
Our covenant relationships are key in living a kingdom lifestyle. Learn the benefits of keeping covenant and the consequences of breaking them.