Sent on December 14, 2016
Greetings to all,
Did you know that you were created to be empowered by a source that is greater than what you operate in as a man/women?
God created man and placed within him a source of Life that was meant to enable him to live on a much higher plane than what we have settled for.
We know the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and as a result man was driven into a state that would cut himself off from that power. Man was meant to be connected to God the way we are connected to the air we breathe.
Once Jesus came and redeemed mankind, He went to His disciples and breathe on them and said “receive the Holy Spirit”. This action once more made that Life of God available to everyone who would believe.
At one point in my ministry I said to the Lord, “I didn’t think it would be so hard.” After I said that, I also realized that there was no other place to turn than God to carry me through situations that was knew I wasn’t personally equipped to deal with. I found that the Holy Spirit was sent to pull me through.
The apostle Paul in Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”
Whatever you are going through today, take the time to think about the awesome Helper our Father sent to help us through our journey here on earth. The Holy Spirit will do more than what we ask or think if we will take time to draw on the Life that He came to impart.
Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”
The Spirit comes to those who will pay attention to His Presence…
Love to all… pb
P.S. Read a new article by Faithworks Centre member Laurette O’Connor here: Stirring that Special Recipe