The way into the Holy of Holies is through the Person Of Jesus. When we walk with Jesus in His Kingdom we have access to all His benefits.
The Blood of Jesus is the answer for every human dilemma.
It’s resurrection time. Time to resurrection those things of God that has been set aside in your life.
The Blood of Jesus tells the story of Redemption. Learn what the blood has accomplished for you.
There is a life in God that everyone can experience. A life that is beyond what this world has to offer. Jesus came to give us that God kind of life. Let’s learn together how we can tap into that LIFE in a greater measure.
We are living in a day when many deceiving spirits have been released. Learn how to stand against the deception and stay loyal to Jesus.
Learn about how to stay in a position of discernment in the midst of confusion.
We are exhorted to not forget any of the benefits of walking with the Lord. Benefits such as forgiveness of sin and healing for our bodies. Be reminded of those benefits as we explore the Jesus’ healing ministry.
Becoming aware of the treasure within. We must do all we can to make His residence attractive to Him in order for the Glory of God to be expressed in our lives.