There are many false truth tellers today. They are counterfeits, they exist because there are always those who will listen to their twisted rhetoric. Truth is found in Jesus, those who are not preaching Jesus are not preaching truth. Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life.”
Jesus has empowered His Church to bring the Kingdom into the culture
There are many components to making a covenant. We explore these components in order to get a better understanding of what is involved when we come to the communion table.
Win your battle through worship
The Lord is revealing Himself to His church, this is the season to make straight the way of the Lord that He might have full access to our lives.
Praise will take us into His courts where we can spend time in His domain, where all are welcomed to come in, on His terms.
We must be ready to shift with the plans of God. When the cloud moves we must leave the old behind and march forward with the Lord.
The Church is meant to influence every area of society. We war against the dark forces that rule behind the scenes.
The church must take its responsibility in the market place. The church must be the voice of one calling in the wilderness “make straight the way of the Lord”
Laying on of hands is a foundational principle for the building up of the body of Christ. It’s time to explore its use in the Church.