9 Habits to Centre God in Your Life

9 habits to centre God in your life

Darla Noble As an author, freelance writer, and speaker, most of what I write and speak about is God-centred. It may be a devotional book, a Bible study, parenting/family resources, or curriculum for raising up children to be adults who have a personal relationship with the LORD, but the majority...

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Finding the Right Church Family

Finding the right church family

Darla Noble Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) In all my fifty-five years I have belonged to four churches. Church number one was Ridgeview. It was my home church until I...

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5 Elements of a Joy-Filled Marriage

5 elements of a joy-filled marriage

Darla Noble I started to title this article “5 Elements of a Happy Marriage”, but then I realized that the things I want to talk about go much deeper than just being happy. You see, happiness is an emotion or an experience of varying degrees and is dependent on what...

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8 Books That Are Good for the Soul

8 Christian Books that are Good for the Soul

Darla Noble How many of you are as sick and tired as I am of hearing all the hype about books like Fifty Shades of Grey or Thirty Pieces of Silver (which they won’t even print in hardcopy), or Plain Jane? These books are not what you can call good...

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How to Pray with Power

How to pray with power

Darla Noble When our children are small we tuck them into bed and night and ‘say prayers’ together—prayers that go something like this… “Jesus, thank you for Daddy and Mommy (and any siblings), for my home, my nice comfy bed, my toys, and for all the other nice things you...

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Teaching Your Kids to Pray

Teaching Your Kids to Pray

Shirley Our children are gifts from God and an awesome responsibility. We want the very best for them, and that includes a healthy and lively faith. One of the best ways to foster faith in our children is to teach them how to pray. But we don’t always know just...

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