How to Apply Your Faith to Everyday Life

How to apply your faith to everyday life

Darla Noble For every article I write or every lesson I teach on the subject of faith, I begin by reminding readers/listeners of what faith is. So… “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” ~ Hebrews 11:1 That’s faith—believing and...

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5 Bible Verses on Handling your Finances God’s Way

Bible Verses on Handling your Finances God’s Way

“Money, Money, Money”, “She Works Hard For Her Money”, “9 to 5”, “Material Girl”, and “Money Makes The World Go ’Round” are just a few of the hundreds of hit songs about money and its allure and power. In the hit movie, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou, George Clooney talks...

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Exercising Your Faith Muscle

Kim Thompson-Pinder Did you know that your faith grows when you use it? Over the years I have ministered to people who thought that faith was some magical force that only ‘special’ people have, and they weren’t included in that list! Let’s get one thing straight right from the beginning....

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Three New Beginnings in the Bible

New beginnings in the Bible

Darla Noble Each New Year brings with it all sorts of good intentions for changing this or that in our lives. We resolve to eat healthier, save more money, exercise, take up a new hobby, get rid of a bad habit… the list goes on and on. But why? Why...

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Annual Inventory Stock Taking

Annual Inventory Stock Taking

Have you ever worked in an establishment that takes stock every year? It’s quite an undertaking, but so good for the manager to see how his business is doing. This really helps to see which was a good product and in demand, and which there’s no longer any use for....

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How You Can Know Jesus More Personally

Darla Noble It’s one thing to know New York City is located in the upper east part of the USA. It’s quite another to know how to maneuver around the city safely and efficiently. The same can be said about Jesus. It’s one thing to know who Jesus is. It...

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4 Prayers for Christmas

4 Prayers for Christmas

Darla Noble I believe scripture clearly tells us that the most God-honored prayers are the prayers that come from our heart. This truth means that I’m not a fan of recited prayers, but I know that oftentimes people don’t feel they know how to talk to God or find themselves...

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