Letters From God: Kingship Airlines

As Christians, The Lord has shown me an analogy of embarking on a flight & comparing it to embarking life in Him.  ~ There will be a calling to come on board, just as there will be a calling on your life to serve The Lord. ~ You will be...

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Clean Up, Dinner’s Ready

“Clean Up, Dinner’s Ready” Nickel for every time you’ve heard that one! Does it bring back memories? It’s a rather ironic statement, isn’t it, especially living here in PEI with red soil? We come in from out in the field; the barn; the stall; the farm equipment; the garage, the...

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“HAVE YOU EMPTIED THE TRASH YET?” If you’ve ever helped around the house as a kid, I’m sure you’ve heard those words before! And as you’re gathering it all up, haven’t you been tempted to think, “How much trash can there be since the last time?” What about us and...

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What is the Great Commission?

What is the Great Commission?

The Great Commission is the term given to the command that Jesus gave to His disciples just before He ascended to heaven. We find this in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of...

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How to Make New Church Members Feel Welcome

How to Make New Church Members Feel Welcome

When a church adds new members, it’s a very special time. The church is adding to its body, and the new members have a new family. Sometimes, especially if a church is large, it can be challenging for new members to connect and feel like they belong. So what can...

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The 9 Spiritual Gifts Explained

The 9 Spiritual Gifts Explained

There seems to be lots of different information about spiritual gifts in the Christian world, so it can be confusing, especially if some of the ideas conflict. We’ll explore spiritual gifts and their purposes in this article. But before we get started, I highly recommend that you read 1 Corinthians...

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What's the Biblical Definition of Success?

What’s the Biblical Definition of Success?

What is success? Most people will tell you that it’s about making money and having a big house and a brand new car. Some think that graduating college with a degree and landing your dream job defines success. Still others say that success is about having good relationships, lots of...

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Taking Jesus to work with you

Taking Jesus to Work With You

Years ago as part of a discipleship class I was taking, I read a book (don’t remember the name) that used the analogy of how we like to keep Jesus close to home. He said we have no trouble saying prayers before mealtime at home or while lying in bed...

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How to Identify Your God-Given Talents

How to Identify Your God-Given Talents

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each...

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Why your church family is essential to your faith

Why Your Church Family Is Essential To Your Faith

I was raised in the church. I know what it means to have a church family—a community of people who truly love and care about your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. I know what it is to have people in your life who rejoice in your accomplishments and love you...

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