Missing Links in the Church

Every member of the church (our local church AND the church as a whole all over the globe) has a specific role God created us for. We are all given specific characteristics, talents, and gifts by the Holy Spirit that enable us to carry out these roles. If for whatever...

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Faith that Moves Mountains

The word “faith” is a familiar, frequent topic in churches, but what precisely is faith? It’s not exactly something you can reach out and touch. We often hear “Have faith in God,” but how do you do that? In a world where people often want to see something first before...

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Introduction to the Bible

If you’re new to the Bible, you may have questions about things that more seasoned readers take for granted. For example, where did it come from? Why are some things in italics or in red? Is there a reason the books are in a certain order? Knowing some background information...

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Getting Rid of Bitterness

Bitterness is defined as anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly. Bitterness usually occurs when we feel that someone has taken something away from us and that we have no power to get it back. It means that you’re constantly being hurt by a memory and holding on to the...

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Finding Hope During Difficult Times

It’s important to understand that God never promised us a life free from problems. People who love and serve God are not immune to trouble. In fact, Psalm 34 mentions how righteous people will have difficulties, but God will help them through it all: “The Lord is close to the...

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Including God in Your Military Marriage

Marriage is a wonderful gift from God. It can bring so much happiness to the lives of both spouses and to all who know them. Yet, we all know that with marriage come many challenges and obstacles too. Just like any relationship, when two different people come together to work...

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5 Life-Changing Benefits of Silence

Many people feel overwhelmed these days. The ongoing demands of the modern world have led to new levels of stress. When life seems to never stop, it can be good to build a moment of silence in your day. It can be as simple as turning off your phone, sitting...

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How a Relationship with God is Similar to Marriage

Believing in God is one thing; having a relationship with Him is another. Just like a marriage, having a relationship with God takes effort and time.   The Marriage Covenant Marriage was created by God to unite a man and woman for life. In Judaism, marriage is a covenant between...

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Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

Few people have made an impact on history like Jesus of Nazareth. He influenced even how we count years using B.C. (‘before Christ’) and A.D. (‘anno domini’, which is Latin for ‘in the year of our lord). But many still question who Jesus was and what He was really all...

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If God is Good, Why is There so Much Evil in the World?

You don’t have to look very far to see evil in the world. It can be overwhelming when you think about it: school violence, terrorism, racial struggles, personal tragedies, illness and disease. So why does God allow evil to run rampant? If God is good, why does He allow evil...

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