Spreading the Gospel by Being an Example

Spreading the Gospel by Being an Example

Jesus’ last words before returning to heaven to await His return were words of instruction. They were a “call to arms” so to speak. In Matthew 28:19-20 He told His disciples to: Go to all the world Preach the gospel Teach everyone to obey everything Jesus commanded us to do...

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The Incredible Power of Groups

The Incredible Power of Groups

Are you a loner or a social butterfly? Would you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? Most of us naturally lean one way or the other, but no matter how you characterize yourself, one thing is true: you were made for community. From the beginning of humankind, people have been...

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Bible Verses on Evangelism

Bible Verses on Evangelism

We often worry about a lack of growth in the church. We wonder why there are so many empty seats or why this or that family stopped coming. But wondering often seems to be all we do. Instead of just wondering, though, maybe we need to take it upon ourselves...

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Do You Deserve Salvation?

Do you deserve salvation?

Wow! What a title! What a question! But in short, the answer is a resounding “No.” Or is it… The short answer is no, we don’t deserve salvation. We are all sinners in need of the Savior. The answer is also no because: We are sinners In the first chapter...

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How to Show Grace to Other People

How to show grace to other people

“Grace” is a word that’s thrown around a lot in the religious world. Maybe people think about how God’s grace gives them power to do what they are unable to do on their own. Or perhaps they remember how the grace of God gives them what they don’t deserve to...

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