As Christians, The Lord has shown me an analogy of embarking on a flight & comparing it to embarking life in Him.
~ There will be a calling to come on board, just as there will be a calling on your life to serve The Lord.
~ You will be welcomed to enter the aircraft, just as you will be welcomed to enter the anointing of The Lord.
~ You will be asked to present – show your boarding pass, just as you will present – show your salvation.
~ You will be instructed to check in & stow any heavy baggage below in the cargo hold until such a time you will recognize, identify, and deal with, just as we place all these things under our feet. Romans 16:20
~There will be a demonstration of the six exits on the 737 in time of needing help, just as there are six pieces of God’s Armour we are to wear. The helmet of salvation; the breastplate of righteousness; the belt of truth; the gospel shoes of peace; the shield of faith; and sword of The Spirit.
~ You will also receive a brief demonstration of applying the mask provided to receive oxygen should the pressure in the cabin change, as we climb to a higher altitude, and to apply it first before endeavoring to help others, just as we should fill ourselves with Holy Spirit daily & revive ourselves before trying to help others, as we are raised up and are seated with Him. far above. in the heavenly realm.
~The aircraft fueler will inject the amount of jet fuel needed for the duration of the flight which travel over 3,000 miles before needing to be refueled, however, we as God’s children are supplied with power infused in us that never runs out, and it has the same power that raised Jesus from the dead ….. resurrection power.
~ Our pilot today is Pastor B; the 1st Officer is Claude; and I will be your flight attendant helping you as you wing your way thru the skies of Eastern Canada. There are 3 CEO’s with Kingship Airlines: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
~ Take your seat in preparation for take-off…you’ll find the safety card in front of you for dealing with various information on emergency measures that might arise during the leg of this flight, and so we Christians have The Bible to help us with everything pertaining to life & Godliness, and should also have it in front of us at all times, learning to take our proper place in Christ.
~ You will find the window is supplied with a blind….you may lift it up in order to have a broader view, just as we Christians need to keep the windows of our eyes fully open…2 Cor 4:1 ‘we pull blinding veil off ours & others’ eyes so we’re not blinded in our minds to understand truth.’
~ Upon our ascension, as we climb, we’ll see & survey the land below of PEI [& Atlantic Provinces], just as Joshua went to survey the land in Joshua 18:8. Luke 15:31 says Son; Daughter – everything I have is yours….do you want it? The Lord says know that everything I have belongs to you & I give it to you! DO YOU WANT IT?THIS IS THE MISSION OF OUR FLIGHT….to survey our land; to pray over it, people and all, including it’s geographical area…that our portion (of where we live) mixed in with the whole would come under the rulership of Jesus.
~ We’re now receiving clearance for take off & must fasten our seat belts. If turbulence occurs as we climb thru the clouds keep your belt on,… and in our walk with God, when the turbulence comes, we must have our belt of Truth on, for it will override fear, confusion, & lies.
~ There will be an in-flight service offered you, but b/c the flight is short, time is of the essence….there will be the opportunity to have breaking of bread with one another…IN UNITY. Please prepare for this by showing you would like to partake by placing your chair tray down….we must put our pride and unforgiveness down or we will be in danger of not examining ourselves properly & subject to falling asleep as many already have.
In preparation for landing we will put away our belongings, (*GAMBLING*) & as Christians, we lay aside every weight & sin that so easily trips us up & slows us down & run with endurance & active persistence the race that is set before each of us. Heb. 12:1
~ On behalf of the entire Flight Crew, we thank you for choosing to be with us….we are expecting clear open heavens & SONshine for you; we pray you’ve enjoyed your flight; you’ve been informed as well as ministered to, and will choose to travel with us again soon in The Spirit, & we leave you with this encouragement from our CEO, God, from Psalms 112:3 ‘God will not withhold any good thing from those who walk in uprightness.’
Thank you & have a wonderful rest of your life.
~ Laurette O’Connor
JoAnn Sewell says
July 1, 2024 at 10:53 amThis is OUTSTANDING 🏆! I’m doing a study on the word “Grace” and I find myself here after doing some reading on this website “Faithisland.org🤩. All I can say is thank you. I have shared it with some of my family and friends! WOW To God be the Glory For The Things He has DONE through YOU! It’s Pure 🔥