Jesus’ last words before returning to heaven to await His return were words of instruction. They were a “call to arms” so to speak. In Matthew 28:19-20 He told His disciples to:
- Go to all the world
- Preach the gospel
- Teach everyone to obey everything Jesus commanded us to do
- Baptize people into Christ so that they, too, can spend eternity in heaven
Go… preach… teach… baptize. All four words are action words; meaning God expects us to be active and intentional when it comes to carrying out his ministry to seek and save the lost.
It would be easy for me to write pages about why you and I should do this. And I could easily back up everything I wrote with scripture. Don’t worry, though. I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to because I believe it would be somewhat inconsistent with the message. It would be somewhat of a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do kind of thing. So instead, I am simply going to list several things you can do to actively and intentionally spread the Good News. It is, however, up to you to actually get up and take that action. So… will you?
- Smile. How much easier can it get? When you smile even when things aren’t “hunky-dory” you are sending the message that you have a source of joy and peace that cannot be knocked down by anything the world throws at you.
- Season your conversation with “Jesus salt” (Colossians 4:2). Simply saying you are thankful God provided ____, that you know God was watching over your son when he had his car accident, or by telling a friend or co-worker you will be praying for their situation is a testimony to the fact that you are in a relationship with God.
- Don’t participate in gossip, rude comments, foul language, dirty jokes, going for drinks, watching sexually-charged movies or porn, or other such activities with people. But don’t just back away. Tell them that you don’t participate in these things because it goes against your faith.
- Invite people to church.
- Visit people in the nursing home and hospital. Ask them if you can pray with them for their comfort and healing.
- Give children’s Bible story books and Christian parenting devotionals as baby gifts.
- Give Christian-themed gifts to newlyweds.
- Don’t omit the blessing from your dinner table when you have non-Christian guests in your home—not even if those guests are your child’s friends.
- Host a small-group Bible study in your home. Chances are your neighbors will ask why the crowd, giving you the perfect lead-in for sharing the Good News of Jesus.
- Invite the kids in the neighborhood and your co-worker’s kids to VBS and other kid-oriented special events at your church.
- Purchase or make some business cards with scripture on them. Leave one every time you leave a tip.
- After reading a devotional book, write a note in the front cover saying you hope the next reader learns as much as you did. Leave the book in a restaurant, the lobby of a doctor’s office, or other such place.
- Wear t-shirts with scripture on them.
- Conduct yourself in public as if Jesus were right there with you… because he is.
- Don’t belittle the telemarketer, rant at the insurance guy, or get hostile with the customer service rep who isn’t doing their job. Instead, tell them you are praying they will be better able to help the next person. You can also admit your frustration and tell them you really are trying to treat them the way Jesus wants you to, so you hope they will meet you half-way.
- Be the person you are in church the other six days of the week.
Several years ago a poem with the following line was very popular among church-goers everywhere. The line: “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day….”
Be the sermon.
~ By Darla Noble
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P.Selvaraj says
December 14, 2017 at 7:49 amQuite an useful publication . Needed for our Voluntary Next Sphere Mission. Praise the Lord !😃