10 Ways to Serve God Every Day

When Jesus left this earth to return to heaven to wait for the time God sends Him back to get us, He (Jesus) instructed… commanded us to be His hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth. We are to take the message of the Gospel to anyone and everyone we can (Matthew 28:18-20).

Jesus didn’t just tell us what to do and expect us to “wing it”. No way! He told us how to access the Holy Spirt (Acts 2:38) and reminded us through the words of Paul, that we are all created with specific gifts and abilities that allow us to minister to others (1 Corinthians 12).

Not really an option

As a Christian, it is important that you understand this: 

Service isn’t an option. Service is a responsibility.

It is a responsibility you need to take seriously and one you should embrace joyfully.

Don’t let the thought of service intimidate you and don’t ever feel you don’t have anything worthwhile to offer. We all have something… lots of somethings to offer. But just in case you need a few ideas to get you started, take a look at what I believe are the top ten ways we can serve.

How many of them will you check off your list this week?

1. Be kind to strangers


The absolute best way you can serve both God and others is to be kind. Smile. Don’t snap at the sales clerk for taking too long. Don’t demand to have your way. Don’t berate the telemarketer. Don’t be a rage-filled (or even irritated) driver.

2. Remember someone

Calling someone

Send a birthday card and/or gift to a lonely widow or widower. Let them know their special day is still special. Call someone who is feeling under the weather, going through a difficult time, or experiencing a grievous loss.

3. Pray for those in need


Don’t generalize your prayers. Be specific. Pray for Tommy who is experiencing the rigors of boot camp. Pray for Paige who is experiencing a difficult pregnancy. Pray for Ellen and Carter who are trying to be patient while waiting for the call to travel to South Korea to finalize the adoption of their little girl. Pray for the leaders of our nation by name.

4. Share food

Sharing food

Invite a college student to your home for dinner. Fix snacks for the high school youth group to enjoy during their Bible study. Fix a meal for a new mom, the people who just moved into the neighborhood, or someone just home from the hospital. Bake cookies, bread, or pies to give to first-time visitors at your church.

5. Share your time


Sit and read to an elderly person. Take someone to and from their doctor appointment or their chemo treatment. Volunteer to help the church secretary with some of her duties at church. Offer to prepare class materials for Sunday school teachers. Read to the children at a daycare.

6. Share your money


Give generously. Purchase items to send to missionaries in third-world countries that they would otherwise not have access to. Sponsor a child in your church who might otherwise not be able to go to church camp or other similar event. Purchase pizza or fast-food gift cards to send to college students. Put together care packages for servicemen or the homeless.

7. Share your stuff

Second hand clothing

Donate sports equipment, clothing, and household items to shelters, children’s homes, and other organizations. Host a Bible study in your home (even if you aren’t the one teaching it). Invite the youth group to enjoy the pool in your backyard or the horses on your farm. Give away part of your garden’s produce.

8. Share your talents


Teach a Bible study. Offer to do hair and nails for the high school girls at church for prom. Babysit for young parents so they can enjoy a date night now and then. Perform car maintenance and handyman chores for the elderly in the church and your neighborhood. Tutor a child or children struggling in school. Help a young couple set up a reasonable budget. Teach others how to garden, sew, or whatever it is you are good at.

9. Share the Word

Bible on a table

Leave a devotional book or a Bible on the table at a restaurant.

10. Just Ask

Praying for Someone

Ask people how you can pray for them and/or help them… then do it.

Serve the LORD with a joyful heart and with the motive of being a representative of Jesus.

~ By Darla Noble

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Living By Faith – free eBook

Faithworks Centre, Prince Edward Island is a church where people from all walks of life join to grow in faith.

It’s not easy to live a life of faith in today’s fast-paced world.

That’s why we’ve created a 17-page, 3-part guide to Living By Faith.

Learn about how to strengthen your faith, follow Jesus’ command to love and serve others, and understand how love casts out fear.

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Living by Faith


  1. Reply

    Got impressed from the first reading I did

  2. Reply
    Janet says

    One of the best ways we can serve God is to share the Gospel with others. It is so easy to print up some flyers and go out and hand them out. You can give them to people you meet, leave them on tables in restaurants, insert them into books in the library (especially in the sections dealing with death and dying, the occult, etc.), slip them into open car windows, leave them on public seating in malls, buses, etc., hand them to cashiers, and so on. Don’t worry about where to go, just go. God will bring people to you wherever you go. And pray that He will speak to each and every heart that receives one of the flyers.

    • Reply
      Viola says

      Thanks so much, Janet for this amazing idea of serving God and spreading the gospel.

    • Reply
      Lil_RacherlleX says

      thanks for being honest to help god serve god evry single day and pray god for having good things, friend, And Families

  3. Reply
    williamabraham@yahoo.com says

    Very objective thoughts and helpful to prepare for forward movement.
    Thank you.

  4. Reply
    Fredro says

    Nice post!

    • Reply
      Lil_RacherlleX says

      good post Thx for herlping god to serve love

  5. Reply
    Viola says

    Thanks so much, Janet for this amazing idea of serving God and spreading the gospel.

  6. Reply
    Merle.d. reas says

    I want to grow or mature in my faith and service to God.

  7. Reply
    Merle d. Reas says

    I like your idea of spreading the gospel through this method
    Thank you for such inspiràtion.

  8. Reply
    Yas says

    Im definitely doing this! Thanks so much for the idea

  9. Reply
    Anna says

    Faith Really does Works. Am grateful for this blog. Sometimes I pass, gospel tracts, give a bible away, help the homeless, give to charity. this should be everyday or at least be active in serving the Lord in everyway possible. I know in my heart I can do so much more to serve the good Lord and serve/help His people. This list is perfect it has given me some ideas… Thank you, so much and may God continue to bless you, bless your family and ministry.

  10. Reply
    Anna says

    Faith Really does Works. Am grateful for this blog. Sometimes I pass, gospel tracts, give a bible away, help the homeless, give to charity. this should be everyday or at least be active in serving the Lord in everyway possible. I know in my heart I can do so much more to serve the good Lord and serve/help His people, especially by spreading His Gospel and love to His people. This list is perfect it has given me some ideas… Thank you, so much and may God continue to bless you, bless your family and ministry.

  11. Reply
    Sofia Farr says

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful and practical ideas to serve the Lord. May God bless you.
    Praise God ❤️🙏🏼

  12. Reply
    Bradley says

    Thank you for the article. Try leaving gospel tracts at the laundromats and in the restrooms at the fast food restaurants. You would be very blessed.

  13. Reply
    Min. BetteJoe says

    This is so encouraging. Thanks so much.

  14. Reply
    baale godfrey says

    i like that, its simple and easy for me, am gona start

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