This article is going to be short and sweet. Why? Because rather than spend time reading what I have to say, I want you to spend the extra time looking for God’s revelation of himself to you.
1. God reveals himself to us through the Bible
Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” God’s Word, the Bible, is one way God reveals Himself to us.
The Bible reveals God’s love for us, His promises to us, His expectations and His desires for us. The Bible reveals God’s plan for us, His definitions of sin, and warns us against the consequences of our disobedience.
Through the Bible we see that God is love. We see that He is personally interested in each of us, that He is the Protector, Teacher, Savior, Shepherd, Hope for eternal life.
2. God reveals himself to us through the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the voice or conscience of the Father and the Son living in us. When we listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, we will most certainly know God’s desires and intentions for us.
3. God reveals himself to us through others
Just like God used Moses to reveal himself to the Israelites, God often uses other people and situations to reveal himself to us. My daughter and son in-law recently experienced this in a big way…
Due to some issues my daughter experienced when giving birth to her first child, her doctor informed her that the possibility was there that she might have to have a C-section with her second child.
My daughter and son in-law wanted the safest and least stressful experience, so after praying about it for several weeks, they decided to forgo the unknown. They chose to have their second child via an elective C-section. Once the decision was made, my daughter felt completely at peace about the situation and enjoyed the remainder of her pregnancy.
Let’s fast-forward a couple of months to the day she gave birth to my most perfect seventh grandchild…
When the doctor delivered her, he told my daughter and son in-law that they had definitely made the right decision, because the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck twice and her body once. Had they chosen to try to have a natural birth, there would have been serious complications.
God revealed His merciful protection over my daughter and her baby through an entirely different situation and through the medical professionals caring for them.
God’s revelations are never happenstance and are always good
How God reveals himself to you or what he reveals rarely happens the same way twice. But this much you can know for sure—God’s revelations are never happenstance and are always for your good.
But just like everything else God offers and promises, he will not push himself on us. It is up to us to seek and recognize God’s revealing and to act upon his revelations in order to receive his blessings and live life as he created us to live it.
~ By Darla Noble
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Kenneth Gray says
August 2, 2022 at 12:24 pmHello,
I need God to actually speak to me. Just say hi once in a while. Actually confirm His word that He will not leave or forsake me. After 42+ years of “never” feeling God’s presence, or hearing/seeing anything from God, I just need that promise confirmed. God has broken my faith/trust. Thanks.
God bless you, by the Holy Spirit, in Jesus holy name, Amen.
Sam says
January 8, 2023 at 8:06 pmIt would be nice if you supported your points by passages of the Scriptures. God bless.
Nicodemus Pallangyo says
February 27, 2024 at 6:12 amDear Kenneth, praise the Lord in Jesus name and power of Holy Spirit.
To feel the presence of God in your life firstly you should realising your relationship with God. This happen once you give yourself time to pray and read Bible while reading Bible is to listen from God and praying is to you speak to God. By time the Holy Spirit is there with you, when you are in reading the bible as well as when you pray. Reffer these verses from the Bible Romans 8:14-16; Romans 8:26-28. Now after reading those verses you will get to know Holy Spirit connecting us with God through Jesus Christ (Romans 10: 9-10) again read John 14:16 that’s means no other way to come across to God except by Jesus. So then, our relationship with God depends on His Holy Spirit with Jesus our Lord. And God reveals this on His Words from the Bible as you go through those some versess.
My name is NICODEMUS from Africa, Tanzania. God bless you.
Miracle mathayo says
September 27, 2024 at 5:58 amScarcity bring value