7 Talents You Could Contribute To Your Church

When we think of talents and giftings, we tend to think of what we call ‘The Super Gifts’: pastor, prophet, evangelist, apostle, and teacher. While these are vital roles that are needed in the church, they are no more or less important to God than all the other ones.

God’s economy is much different than ours. We can look at the people in those roles and think that they are special and must somehow be loved by God more that is why they got that role. That concept is totally wrong.

God’s amount of love for each one us is the same. God does not have favourites. God also judges our actions differently. We think the bigger the action or the more noticed it is, or the more results it creates, the more important it is to God, but it is not.

A glass of water given in secret in obedience to God is just as important as the person standing on stage winning thousands to Christ. God sees the big picture, throughout all time and He knows what one cup of water can accomplish over eternity.

There is only one you and God uniquely created you to carry out His purposes. Psalm 139:13 says, “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” He has a divine purpose for your life, and He has given you talents and gifts to use to bring His kingdom forth. Your job is to learn what they are, then listen to Him on a daily basis on how to use them.

Let’s look at some of the talents that God has given to us.

1. Hospitality

Most people don’t realize how valuable a talent this is. To be able to either have someone in your home and make them feel loved and accepted by providing good food and an inviting setting, or provide food for church dinners or those in need, is a ministry to the body, soul, and spirit. It is very hard to focus on God when you are hungry.

Can you imagine what it would feel like for someone who is down and out to be invited to your home and treated with dignity and as a valued guest? Ministering to people’s physical needs with love opens the door to minister to their spiritual needs as well.

2. Working with Children

Kids are fertile ground in which to plant the seeds of God. They have this capacity to amaze you one moment and have you completely frustrated the next. That is why it takes a very special type of person to work successfully with children.

Many times, children’s ministry is thought of as something less than, but in my opinion, it is one of the most important. If you can grab a child’s heart for Jesus while they are young and secure it with good teaching and opportunities to work for Jesus, you will not lose them when they get older.

3. Working with Seniors

Seniors are another forgotten area of ministry. They have so much to give and share. Many of them are prayer warriors who are never noticed or recognized on this earth for the results of their prayers.

4. Intercessory Prayer

You can pray, intercede, and see lives changed for God. It is not glamourous, and most times the only one who will know you are doing it is God, but lives are changed when people pray.

5. Administration

Are you good at organizing people, places, or things? Do you have amazing computer skills? Are you fantastic at numbers and accounting? These are services much needed in the church. They are behind-the-scenes jobs that need to be done with excellence and serve the body of Christ by taking care of the logistical needs of the church.

When someone gifted in administration does these tasks, it frees up those who are not good at it to do the work that they have been called to do.

6. Encouragement

Did you know that being able to encourage people is a gift from God? In Romans 12:6-8, Paul lists a number of spiritual gifts, including encouragement (verse 7). We all need each other if the Kingdom of God is going to grow.

There are times when a person needs someone else to come along side of them and pick them up and get them back on track again, and that is what an encourager does.

7. Giving

If God has blessed you financially or with the ability to earn money, then some of that is meant to be used to finance His Kingdom. There is much work that can be done and people who are waiting for the money to do it, and you have to opportunity to meet that need.

Here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter what you gifting is, it must be done in love and obedience to Jesus. Your gifting will be tested, and as you pass the tests, God will entrust you with more and more. Never think that what you do is too small. God can and has used the smallest acts to produce big results.

Think of the little boy who offered his few small loaves of bread and a few fish to Jesus, or the person who lead Billy Graham to the Lord. As far as we know, that is the only person she ever led to the Lord, yet look at the results!

No matter how big or small you think your talents are, they are important to God, and He will use them to see His purposes accomplished here on this earth. So, use them joyfully!

~ By Kim Thompson-Pinder

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Living By Faith – free eBook

Faithworks Centre, Prince Edward Island is a church where people from all walks of life join to grow in faith.

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  1. Reply
    Celia says

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    Ricky says

    I would love to strengthen my faith, kindly email Living by Faith.
    God bless.

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      Billi says

      Thank you for your ministry in strengthening our faith@
      Please send me the book on how to strengthen my faith in this fast,-paced earthly life. God bless you

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      Andrew Chinguwo says

      I need to learn more on living by faith

  3. Reply
    Nancy Fitzgerald says

    To build faith we must first give a person hope. The spiritual gifts are for that reason. Take a person lost and broken for example…take them in To your home offer a good meal and fill them with the word. How wonderful a night would that be? Well the the lost/broken it would mean alot it would give them hope, hope that God will make a way for me there are good Christians to help me. So what to do we do?we continue and use our gift. Build faith by giving hope by showing live and compassion. Would you with your fancy blog feed that person everyday and give them a safe place to sleep? Help them with friendship and help bring them out of disparities. Maybe give them a job around your home or church. I know this will give hope and sure enough FAITH in God.

  4. Reply
    Jongil Kim says

    Praise Jesus

  5. Reply
    Jongil Kim says

    Praise Jesus for ministry

  6. Reply
    Vanessa Akwi says

    Thank you so much for the words of encouragement.I’m truly edified.may our God bless you

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      Lynda Wilson says

      Please email me Living by Faith. Thank you. Praise God

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    Matthew Ojodale Victorious says

    Thank you for being there doing a great job for Jesus!

  8. Reply
    Nosibulelo says

    I would love to strengthen my faith

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      Joseph Andati says

      I would love to read this book. Thanks

  9. Reply
    Phylise mwitsa says

    Powerful message. God bless you so much.

  10. Reply
    Phylise mwitsa says

    Thank you. God bless you so much.

  11. Reply
    Lefu James Sithole says

    I thank you for offering this important book to us,

    May the almighty God bless you abundantly

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    Dr U Prakasham says

    I am keen to strengthen my faith, follow Jesus’ command to love and serve others.

  13. Reply
    Dr U Prakasham says

    I am keen to strengthen my faith in Jesus. Kindly share the above mentioned 3 part guide for my spiritual growth. Thanks

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