For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. – Romans 12:4-5
If you want to know how God uses ordinary people to do his work, look around.
Look at your preacher. Look at the elderly women who faithfully make cookies for all the youth events. Look at the young couple who leaves home to live in a foreign land to tell others about Jesus. Look at the mom who chooses to stay home with her children. Look at the man who faithfully mows the church lawn. Look at the banker, the investment counselor, and the tax professional who conduct business with the highest moral standards. Look at the teenager who leads the team in prayer before each game.
All of these people are as ordinary as you are, yet they are all doing God’s work. You know what that means don’t you? It means you can do God’s work, too.
We are all ordinary. And yes, that includes Billy Graham, Corrie Ten Boom, James Dobson, Bob Russell, and Mother Teresa. These folks put their shoes on the same way you and I do. They feel (or felt) the same emotions we feel. These folks are (or were) as ordinary as they come. So what’s the difference?
The difference between you and me and the people I just listed is this: They were content to be ordinary so God could do HIS extraordinary work through them.
Billy Graham’s words are given to him because of his deep and sincere love for the LORD and by the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Corrie Ten Boom risked her life and endured hell on earth because she lived the commandment we’ve been given to love others as we love ourselves.
James Dobson simply wants families to know the blessings that come from having Jesus at the center and as the foundation of your family.
Bob Russell lives the words of Romans 1:16, which tells us we should not be ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power that brings salvation. And he wants to offer that power with anyone who will listen.
Mother Teresa’s heart was broken for those who were suffering the plight of poverty and disease. She was the hands and feet of Jesus to those who would not have otherwise known what it was to be touched and cared for.
At this point you are probably thinking that what these people did was great but that you don’t have the ability, the time, the resources, or the opportunities to do things like that. That’s okay. Not everyone is called to go to the far corners of the earth or to speak before thousands of people. The ‘only’ thing God has called you to do is to get out of his way so that he can work through you.
Your ordinary self can do anything God wants you to do if you’ll let him.
How to let God use you
The first thing you have to do in order for God to be able to use ‘ordinary you’ is to WANT God to use you. Once the desire is there, all that’s left to do is:
- Pray for God to give you opportunities to work for him.
- Listen to what God is saying.
- Look for the opportunities.
- Take the opportunities and run with them. In other words, just do it! Use the abilities you have and the passions of your heart to impact others for God.
Noah was just a guy with a hammer and a heart for God. Moses was just a man who ran out of excuses. Paul was just a guy who was smart enough to admit when he was wrong. Peter was just a guy with a heart bigger than his mouth.
Hannah was just a woman who wasn’t too proud to admit she was desperate. Mary was just a girl who decided that faith was the only thing that could save her reputation. Lydia was just a woman who knew her talents with a needle and thread could express her love for others.
They were all just ordinary people like you and me… ordinary AND willing.
~ By Darla Noble
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